Hey after the big rally on Saturday we will be throwing down with our good friends ELM at Little Miss Whiskey's. Please come join us and get your funk on.
Really looking forward to djing in Asheville and traveling down with my wife. If your in the area swing by and say hello, I'll also be doing a little surprise set in Chapel Hill.
I've always loved the Chic / Queen bassline, and it's been sampled a billion times but somehow Normski made it fun again. I used the Audited Beats edit of this song on my last mix, but this full version is pretty cool. I just found it today, and I think it could come in handy to mix some vocals over and play around with. Anyway, not sure how many downloads he has left on his Soundcloud so grab it soon.
The Breakbeat Junkie and Dj P are 2 of my good pals from over the pond and the Breakbeat Junkie even let me crash at his flat after a night of raving and battle dancing in Nottingham. Anyway, I got this remix update today in Soundcloud and low and behold P has went in and remixed BBJ's "What I need". The boys were also kind enough to offer up the original as well which you can link below. What more can I say Arrested Development, funk and breaks are all in lock step here. Check it
Oh yeah, the Autobot picture of from the new Transformers movie shoot that was done in DC, this was Optimus Primes grill. While I'm not a fan of the movie's I loved Transformers as a kid and thought the truck looked bad ass.
We will be djing this Friday with Tom B and Jimi Wes at one of the hottest clubs in our nations capital U-Street Music Hall. We had been wanting to get in there ever since it opened and now we have been given the keys to the booth. Expect un-heard jams from our upcoming album, as we will be testing some new cuts. Also a bit of classics and some new joints from our global linkage of friends.
Below is one of the last songs we officially released using samples from our vast record collection. It was a good record for us, as it introduced us to Eastern Europe and helped us gain world-wide recognition. We hope you enjoy it and if you live in DC, please come out on Friday and say hello.
We are huge fans of The Daily Show and Colbert Report, and we were super excited to hear they will be holding an event here in DC. We will be there fully supporting the cause and waving our funk flag. And after the event we will be djing a party at Lil Miss Whiskey's with our boys ELM. In honer of this event I posted up an older tune I used to drop all the time. Let's keep that funk alive..
* Special Thanks to Marc E. for creating this stellar graphic.